Blog An Existential Risk Developing Slowly About 18 months ago, I wrote on the topic of Sex Robots and what are the potential issues that might arise (article here). Recently a news article came out, where
Artificial Intelligence Does Customization Really Help? I have been in the line of teaching data science and data analytics for a long while, since 2007 till now. I always get this question and that is "Can
Blog Please Do Not Panic Yet on AI Taking Over the World! With all these recent announcements and the accompanied hype on ChatGPT and GPT-4, etc, many of you may start thinking that these Artificial Intelligence is going to take over the
Blog Smart City - Transport Planning & Network Slowly but surely, the "roads" will be flooded with self-driving vehicles. It is time we need to re-look at the whole transport landscape through a different lens rather than the
Blog Anthropomorphism - Human Bug In the World of AI As I put in more thoughts on a World of AI, one of the biggest stumbling block right now is not the advancement of algorithms, software or hardware, but rather,
Artificial Intelligence Turing Test is Obsolete? Bring in Coffee Test! So in one of my post on LinkedIn (found here), someone suggested that LaMDA should go through a Turing Test to determine if it is sentient or not. I have
Blog Future with AI: Sex Robots I might be writing stuff that some readers may find offensive, if you do, please do not read on. I also invite anyone with constructive criticism and feedback to share